I’m strangely liking the Slovenian entry Narodnozabavni Rock even though it’s clearly as wrong as marmite mixed with gravy, curry and vodka. Perhaps because they clearly don’t give a damn, they just want to play every instrument under the sun and weld three different songs with three different musical styles together.
The performance is unspectacular, they just stand in the middle of the stage and do it. It’s beer keller crossed with Whitesnake crossed with Pinky and Perky.
It’s the bastard child of Willeke Alberti and Ozzy Osbourne.
There should be more songs like this, but it’s clearly going to bomb. Slovenia have trouble qualifying when they send sane performers, they’re possibly going to get single figures of points with this effort.
Have a good time though dear Slovenians!
Phil: Ain’t it just Brill?! It’s a fusion of Rock and…well… not rock really….
Europe aren’t gonna get it, because it is clearly a Slovene in-joke that is clearly aimed at locals ( Local jokes for Local people – there’s nothing for you here!!) and if you get it – it’s quite amusing.
However if, as I am convinced, Europe won’t get it, then it is a strong candidate for a big fat nought in the Semi Final. It is well performed by Kalamari and the lady (who’s name escapes me) – they all know where the camera is, and they sing to each other and unlike the last song, there is definitely a chemistry on screen between all the members of the band. The Choreography, such as it is, is the same as the Slovene final which was minimalist at best.
However, It makes me smile, but wont get people voting for it unfortunately.
Nick: Narodnozabavni is the longest word in a Eurovision title in all history, so I understand, but only because the Portuguese didn’t recognise genius when they saw it two years ago.
This is genius too. Utter genius. I’m in far too good a mood this morning, it must be because yr.no (god bless them!) have laid on a healthy dollop of sun and warm for us for the last couple of days.
Rain is forecast for Oslo tomorrow though, and I for one am not prepared to stand for it. I propose a 24-hour OnEurope strike starting at midnight Wednesday, and shall be balloting my members accordingly. If carried, all services will be subject to disruption, delay and cancellation without notice. Knock-on disruption may continue well into Friday due to our rolling stock being in the wrong place. All in favour say Naj Bo!