Well …
Slovenia has grown on me – It still looks like a huge shambolic mess of stuff on stage – but the camera does love him really a lot and the choreography, even though it is circa 1980’s Kdam in stylee – Is making it work. He is now too singing in a force 10 gale and the doctors coat is flapping about (Unlike the comedic beard) – but, it gave me the chills, which it didn’t do on Thursday. A possible qualifier now in its own right I think if it gets the neighbour votes that songs from Slovenia have lacked in recent years.
Andorra … Where does one start? Well the mix in the hall still seems badly wrong. Benny from the Jock is still proudly prancing round the stage and being forceful with her Sense Tu’s. However hard she tries – she is still not doing it for anyone. With the bad mix that has been mentioned – it still makes the song sound a mess (Which is in stark contract to songs that look a mess), talking of which, this one has chairs in it again – where the dancers sit down to have a bit of a break.
Ooooh this is SO not to the qualifying