My oh my that’s a good song. I have to say that I was pre-disposed to liking this before it got here (even though Rock Partizani would have been da bomb and all) – but man alive Maja Keuc’s doing the business on this song. Simple staging with lots of diva hand movements and pouting to Camera, although she seems to be a little under dressed for the occasion, she might catch a chill if she is not careful with that wind machine and her undies. Personally I think it suffers from not being in Slovene, however the words fit the music perfectly and the rose and barbed wire background looks absolutely perfect. Nick, however, is unmoved. Maybe because he is underwhelmed, or perhaps he is looking at the free asparagus magazine from the HIT shop we went to for lunch, but that is a certain qualifier!!
Although the one thing I would say is to stop trying so hard – but there you go, that’s just me!