Spain First Rehearsal

Beth (C) and her group from Spain perform in a dress rehearsal 23 May 2003, a day before the final of the 48th Eurovision Song Contest in Riga, Latvia.

Its not a winner!! She doesn’t do it for me but for the gay lads in the hall its a sure fire winner!! Unfortunately the gay vote in the hall doesn’t count for anything. she doesn’t pull it off but i think it might do something. Stage dressed in red, she’ll be wearing not a great deal. She will, however, Lose in a straight fight with Portugal for the Iberian championship, Its repetitive and drawn out and about 1 minute too long for the liking of all sensible Europeans….. It just doesn’t make you want to vote for it… and, dare i say it, should do worse than R**a did last year (hoorah!!)

As one would expect she never misses a note, but you get the feeling she doesnt have a stage presence for something of this magnitude, and the backing singers do not help matters by gyrating around the poor unfortunate and then, borrowing yet more Israeli choreography, strut aimlessly across the stage…

I don’t think so!

Mark out of 100 – 56.375