Nick: Good song. Reasonable performances. Can’t see any particular reason why it would win.
In more detail, Daniel’s joined on stage by a cast of thousands four plus a largely ignored backing singer, and all the business is going on that you’d expect, but there’s no great ‘peak’ to the staging where I’d like there to be. Even something little (see what I did there?) like some kind of platform for Daniel to leap up onto for the finale would provide some depth. I’m not getting a big, contest-winning, money moment out of this – nice as it is.
(Note to self – must re calibrate from “second rehearsal” performance levels back down to “first rehearsal” ones)
Franko: Now I love the Spanish entry and list it amongst the half dozen or so really good songs this year, but I’m having doubts about it working in this contest and I’m not quite sure why.
He performs it perfectly well. He doesn’t miss a note. Is it the freaky toys? They’re not as scary as the Dutch ones who look like they might visit you in the night with a hatchet.
There’s choreography a plenty, they do their best to fill the stage which is not a bad strategy given it’s cavenous nature. I just can’t rid myself of the feeling that something’s missing from the package, though the use of the word package is probably unfortunate given the song’s translation as “something tiny”.
Will it be better with a full audience? It isn’t even that it’s bad or anything. It’s clearly the best thing Spain have entered in a couple of decades but it stirs in me a feeling of uneasiness that I can’t rid. Could be my unsettled insides after the vast amount of alcohol I consumed last night.
I really wish it well and hope it scores big but drawn second we all know you’ve got more chance of recovering from leprosy than winning Eurovision.