16 December – And how could I ever refuse?

It’s legend time. A real legend. Yeah, the term is used to describe anyone who came fifth in a Tuesday night semi-final. But this legend won our favourite TV show – with three others – and has remained high profile for over 45 years since. Yes, 45 years.

Back in 1974, we’d only seen one Nordic win, and that was 11 years earlier. The along came a shy and retiring foursome from Sweden (and partly Norway) with a nice little tune. And the rest is history. The co-writer and co-performer of this song is today’s birthday boy (Göran Bror) Benny Andersson. He’s sat at the piano in today’s video. Since this little win, he’s co-written songs and musicals that have made millions. So you can forget your G:sons and your Boströms – in times to come, Mr Andersson and his pal Mr Ulvaeus will be seen as Sweden’s Messrs Eurovision.

Benny is 73 today.

Grattis på födelsedagen, Benny!