16 October – We sail into infinity

Hang onto your hats, your gloves, your scarves. It’s Sweden. Yes, again. You might be getting tired of the country of the blue-and-gold flag, but with a lot of singers there are a lot of birthdays.

Every year, another website has a poll to pick the favourite songs ever. Since 2012 a song from today’s birthday girl Loreen (née Lorine Zineb Noka Talhaoui) has done very well, and often won. Aren’t we lucky she has a stage name? Anyway, young Loreen did her stuff way out east by dancing on a box and getting a chum to throw her around a bit in a snowstorm. That’s normal for Eurovision, right? She scored of every country in her semi-final. That’s some achievement. And then in the Grand Final, only our friends in Italy didn’t have her in their top 10. And 18 – yes, 18 – countries gave her their coveted 12 points. That’s 18 out of a possible 41. She even beat the second placed song by over 100 points. Watch her video and see if you can work out how.

Loreen is 36 today.

Grattis på födelsedagen, Loreen!