If your definition of “Eurovision Winner” in the big bad book o Eurovision contains the words “mumbling” and “hand gestures” and “dandruff” then it also has a picture of Loreen next to it.
The hype about this song is Greek-esque in its silliness – she doesn’t do anything that she didn’t do at the Melodifestival – so us fans have seen the song a billion times.
My issue is the one its always been and this performance confirms it. It raises two significant questions:
1. Are the juries going to be sufficiently “directed” to vote in its favour?
2. Are the televoters across Europe going to see it as winner material?
For me, answer 1 is “no” there are better songs that deserve more jury points and answer 2 is “not sure”…
Qualifying – Yes. Top 5 – Fo So. Winner…… not so much.
I think you’re quite wrong on question 1, Phil. This is going to easily win the juries, despite the presence of other obvious and more deserved jury grabbers. “Directed to vote” is not even the right phrasing here; almost all the broadcasters had given up to Sweden weeks before coming to Baku – just read what HoDs of Ireland, Germany, France said, let along the participants themselves. There’s really no other jury winner this year.
The only chance for Sweden to miss out is to flop majorly in the televoting, which isn’t out of question.
It’s just possible that Loreen’s so dark and arty and spooky and interesting on stage that no-one will notice that she’s fired up Hera Bjork’s song from two years ago on WMP at 60% speed and is trying to sing along to it without knowing the words.
Nick, I’m with u!
And I will add that the on the video I watch on eurovision.tv, it didn’t looked as polished as it should be.She look very lost on the stage and there were places she looked like she forgot what she has to sing or what move she has to make.
I’m starting to go the other way on Sweden. Up to now I’ve thought it dreadfully overrated but I think the staging here, especially the use of the lights to punch the “up-up-up-uuuup” moment and the snow effect in the middle suddenly add weight to it. Hopefully they’ll do a long shot of the snow effect because it looks amazing here.
Still don’t see it as a winner though.
I read here in the Swedish papers that she’s been somewhat ill and was holding back and she said that she has plenty more to come her way. so I think that on the day or the days leading up to it, it will be better and better 😉