15 February – Somewhere an errant plane crashes in the desert

Being first to perform on our favourite TV show must be a challenge. But at least you are first to the free bar in the Green Room. But what if you’re last on? You have to wait whilst [insert number here] countries all do their best for their country. But if you’re last on, the crowd is nicely warmed up, and you’re bound to get a massive reception.

Back in 1987, we were witnessing the biggest contest ever at the time. After 21 songs, we saw today’s birthday girl Carol Rich (née Anne-Lyse Caille). She and her chums dispensed with a conductor and they relied on a backing track. How cutting edge? They were in the really up to date fashions of the time – jade, pink, lemon and teal. This was a year when the juries picked the winner, and they may not quite have liked the ultra-contemporary nature of Carol’s act. She finished 17th out of 22. The Netherlands liked her best.

Carol is 58 today.

Bonne anniversaire/Frohe Geburtstag/Buon compleanno/Cordialas gratulaziuns per l’anniversari, Carol!