… or Switzerland as I believe the country is really called. Same performance as on Tuesday with lots of Gold and a rather good gay-friendly mincing at the end of it and the only “eurovision” finish of a song and a wind machine – he really has read the gay book of Eurovision!. He still looks like a slappable oik.
Nick: I’m imagining, as I type, a meeting somewhere in Geneva sometime in the autumn of 2009. “What we’re looking for,” they will have said, “is something unmemorable, that actually sounds quite good after hearing it fifteen times. Oh and a gold spangly jacket.”
There may have been PowerPoint.
I’ve now heard this song fifteen times and it does indeed sound quite good. Europe – or rather the bits of Europe that get Safura adverts on Google, will hear it approximately once. Next Thursday night. It’s not enough.
Not the worst thing here, but it’s not enough.