3 September – In dreams we’re untouchable

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Do you have a preferred size of venue? Do you wish our favourite TV show – and it is a TV show after all – was in a small TV studio with people in their finery? Or do you like the bigger arenas holding all and sundry?

Back in 2001, the venue chosen by hosts Denmark held 35,000 people (we’re told). Perhaps that was just a little too big, and many of the acts got a bit lost in the vastness of it all. Some, perhaps, had to raise their voices. And that brings us to today’s birthday girl Lindsay Dracass. She was a mere 16-year old at the time, and perhaps the whole occasion was a bit too much for her. She did score points, but nothing higher than a four. She didn’t finish last, outdoing eight countries. Maybe not a good result for the UK at that time, but would they kill to finish 15th now?

Lindsay is 40 today.

Happy birthday, Lindsay!

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