There’s a UK buzz a-brewing…


It’s hectic in here today. Not only have we had rehearsals and press conferences but we were all kicked out if the arena at one point after there apparently was an explosion nearby earlier. We’ve heard different rumours from a small factory to a sausage van. I’ve no idea what’s true, we’re well and truly in the bubble…

I’ve not seen much of Germany, Denmark or Italy, my focus today was on UK and France, for very different reasons. I’m loving Molly; she’s so nice, so polite, and such a good ambassador for Eurovision. It’s interesting to see how she’s changed her view about the Contest having now experienced what it’s like here. She commented that she’s aware she’ll probably never appear in such a big and professional event again, and you really feel she’s making sure she makes the most of it. No concerns over her performance at all after seeing another competent rehearsal today. I don’t want to buy in to all the hype that’s happening, but there is a buzz about it here undeniably. We’re watching the betting odds shrink, but of course that could be a rush of bets based on the (semi-educated) tripe we all churn out here. It is a weird feeling coming to Eurovision with a genuine feeling that a win is at least a possibility though. It’s been such a long time since that was the case, and certainly before my time coming for the whole stretch.

France has upped the fun factor with some great effects on the camera changes and whooping up the crowd at the start. It boost it greatly, and they now have a second half draw. Realistically I know it’s probably not going to get wide support from the juries but I’m hoping for a good 8-12 place for the boys. I’ve decided from looking at my husband to be Patrick’s snazzy leggings that when we do get married our curtains will probably be in quite a busy pattern.

I did see a couple of runs through for Ruth Lorenzo, and whilst she’s sounding great to my ear, and it’s staged well, she was sporting an astonishing dress with what looked like eyes across the bust. It’s not a good look and I hope she remedies this for the night. (Edit: unfortunately she’s confirmed in the press conference it is the dress and she’s described the effect as ‘armour’. Blimey.)

So we’re going to try to do a piece to camera for you lucky people before semi 1 tonight. I hope we’re also going to have some lunch. And to be honest I wouldn’t mind a lie down. Or maybe I’ll have a beer…

Monty x