Phil: Confused here … Josh performed the song well enough and has decided to not go for the top notes and try a different ending, all of which is fine. Someone has clearly been reading the internets because they have told him to do some sort of interaction with the backing singers, even if it is just a nod and a wink to them when he walks up the light boxes, at least it’s something that breaks up the walk across the boxes.
I would love to say that its Top 5, or even Top 10, but I can’t……
I can still say it won’t be bottom five (because the song deserves more than that) and my 12th-18th range still stands as the most likely finishing position. However to get this Josh is going to have to nail everything.
Nick: I was probably a bit harsh to my native country yesterday. Whoops. I’m still a long way from being happy, or even “reasonably satisfied”, though. Josh is plainly struggling vocally, and actively swerving out of the way of some of the bigger notes. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing – a ‘downbeat’ ending that he can comfortably pull off has got to be better than a big finish that has potential to be a problem.
All the same, the song’s still something that would have come 6th in a UK national final in the late 80s.
No it’s not. It’s not as good as that.
The faint cloud of imminent unstoppable doom that’s been following me around ever since March just got a little bit imminenter and doomier.