UK first rehearsal is messy

Oh dear oh dear.. The United Kingdom has left us all in a various states of disappointment, bewilderment and just general sadness that this is our representative and we are stuck with it. Recreating the Cafe de Paris staircase that from the overhead shots are in the shape of stillouhette shoes. Lots of luminous lighting ‘a la the video’ and Bianca’s dress lights up along with the backing dancers outfits.

Bianca looks petrified, Alex looks creepy, the dancers half hearted, the camera angles all over the shop and even the pyros at the back of the stage are limp and not picked up on camera.

I know it’s a technical rehearsal but this is a mess. There’s a huge battery pack sticking out her dress and we are surely expecting something else to happen in later rehearsals. You don’t need a battery back that big for a couple of fluorescent strips in a frock surely?

On a positive notes the vocals are ok. My mother thinks this is catchy and we are going to be surprised with a good result. I don’t agree after seeing this.
UK last? Quite possibly.