Now Listen very carefully I shall say this only once … the UK entry is actually not that bad. In fact it’s really rather good. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think there’s any reason to book the NIA in Birmingham for May 2009 just yet, but I’m pleasantly surprised by my countryman. He moves well, makes good use of the stage and sings the a**e of what is only really an average song.
This is a man quite clearly used to performing in front a TV audience and it shows. The song is probably too unmemorable to get too many votes and the number two position in the draw is always the death-knell for even the best singer’s chances but as a UK journo I’m pleased to say that I’m not embarrassed by our entry for the first time in many years, possibly since 2002. That year you may remember one MS Garlick took an average song and made a performance out of it also from second in the draw. That year also as this year the reprise of the songs was done in reverse order and that year Ms Garlick finished third. I don’t think we’ll be hitting those dizzy heights given the competition he’s up against, but we certainly won’t be disgraced and I’m thinking that this could be our first time out of the bottom five since 2004.
Well done Mr Abraham!