Nick: I nearly got up in time for Azerbaijan. Yay me! But not quite. I gather my team aren’t feeling that one so much.
I’m not really feeling Ukraine either. I’m getting ‘Nobody Hurt No One’, ‘Alright’, ‘So Just Shut Up Innit?’ vibes more than anything else. It’s performed just about well enough, but no-one likes being preached at on a Thursday night. Ukraine is capable of getting Greenjolly-type results. I can’t see this being anything other than one of them.
Phil: Aloysha has gained a black veil. She doesn’t put it over her face, rather she drapes it over her head like a hoodie, this is just sooo not needed IMHO, and then it all goes downhill as she starts on the song.
Whilst it is undoubtedly an emotive number, and she certainly does emote – she fails to connect consistently with any part of the audience and, as such, this looks a mess on stage. With no backing singers, she looks lost and alone.
Not Qualifying