So all 39 runners are down at the start (but there could be a late Belarussian declaration but who knows!) and we’re ready, finally, for the 65th running of the Eurovision Song Contest handicap!
So what are we, your faithful servants, going to do to entertain you? ( including you at the back in those dark corners). Well we’ve all applied for online accreditation in the online press centre so, contrary to reports at the beginning of the year, there is still a chance you’ll be getting almost a full set of coverage of rehearsals as I’ve taken the time off from my actual real job for Eurovision ( much to their humour) – well I wasn’t going to sit at work for two weeks!
In the interminable wait between submitting the request and our broadcasters going yay or nay, we’re taking a short break to catch our thoughts but we’ll be back on April 1st (no laughing!) with our daily instalments of OnEurope’s Eurovision Countdown 2021 where Mo, NickD, That Monty and myself will let you know exactly what we think and who is going to win this damn contest that we love so well. We’re also going to give each song a score so we can laugh at how wildly out our predictions really are. There is also a chance that published author and friend of this site Mr Roy D Hacksaw is going to give us his annual ” Why your favourite song isn’t going to win” as we know that does go down well.
Thank you for your support over this truncated On-Season, despite the fact there were only 12 national finals we only lost 9% of viewers on last years figures when there was 30 or so, so either you are dying for news, or you just wanted to see what we think – either way I thank you for it.