Goedemorgen Oneuropeans and welcome to Day 4, by the end of which we’ll have seen approximately 85% of this year’s Eurovision entries, and all of those competing in the semi-finals. Is it me or is it all going so quickly?
Up today is Georgia, Albania, Portugal, Bulgaria, Finland, Latvia, Switzerland and Denmark.
I’ll be honest with you, today’s line up is not, on paper, the most thrilling for me. I only really like Albania as a song, though I do have a soft spot for Samanta Tina’s hot noisy mess. I’m interested to see what Switzerland does, given he’s so high up the betting list, but I’m not especially given to the song.
The rest I can take or leave, though I’d rather the latter. Yes, even Denmark, which as a Middle Aged Gay™ I’m supposed to uncontrollably moist about but just isn’t troubling my Tena Lady one bit.
All of this leaves me with the potential to be pleasantly surprised about something, though I’ll bet you a tenner it won’t be Portugal.
With no EuroClub to divert me, I’ve had to resort to whoring myself around other meedya, and was pleased to be a guest on our friends at ESC Insight’s Daily Podcast yesterday. We muse about the rehearsals but also discuss pre-recorded backing vocals (yay or nay?) plus the great Flo or No Rida debate. Give it a listen here, and why not subscribe to get all the daily updates during the Contest weeks?
Right – Georgia up in a moment. At least we’ll get some decent beardage this morning.
Monty x