Greece – The invisible man is outside? Tell him I can’t see him…


Ba- doum Tsh!

Greece have clearly discovered Chromakey as they are using all of the green screen effects at their disposal in this performance.  Blanking out faces and arms on the backing dancers and blocking out great hulking contraptions like a set of steps.

Sadly, though, on the run through that we first saw NOS/AVROTROS hadn’t quite got the brief and the outlines were noticeable on the steps and the shoes of the dancers weren’t quite rubbed out enough in the feed for the illusion to work to it’s fullest extent.  However, that is what rehearsals are for and, as such, this has a lot going for it.

Stefania knows what she’s all about and dressed in a purple sparkly number that has the middle cut out ( she’ll catch her death and etcetra…) She does very little wrong.  She knows where the steps are (unlike some others yesterday), she looks confident in every move she is having to make (take note RTE) and because the most she has to do is walk up some steps and do a bit of dad dancing and hand waving,  the vocal doesn’t take a hit either.  It stays strong and steady throughout.  She’s even confident enough to wink at me when the steadycam comes round her – cheeky minx!

The only thing I would say is that she needs to be more confident on the shouty upnote towards the end of the song and that green screen didn’t get any tidier on the third rehearsal so that needs sorting out from AVROTROS’ end but apart from that, not a lot wrong with this.


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Roy D Hacksaw
3 years ago

Headline of the year so far!