The more I look and listen to that Norwegian song, the more I have grown to like it. At first I was all “oooh it’s just a man with angel wings and an overblown stage show” – and it *is* that, but it’s also so much more.
As an aide memoir, Tix is stood on a plinth dressed as his angel with his 4 demons around him and he’s chained to them. The song links to that through the lyrics as he wonders why his girl ever wanted him in the first place because he’s chained to his past. Anders sings this with such a tenderness in his voice that I know he has poured his heart into this song that I am drawn to it in ways I didn’t think I could be.
Yes its got the Eurovision elements of the the overblown costume and the demons prancing around but, you know what, they all work. Having said its all tender and stuff in the vocal department you can, if you listen hard enough, hear a double voice between Anders and the backing track but that isn’t really a distraction on this song.
Qualifying? : Yes