As was tradition and has now become a tradition again (yeah, that’s a thing, ok?), we do a rundown of the day in our daily awards show, The OnEurope Golden Fork awards!
Today’s outstanding contributions to the Eurovision landscape are, in order of achievement.
The OnEurope Bronze fork – A coveted prize given to those who were close, but just didn’t make the grade, today goes to:
Russia: It takes some balls to come with a song about strong women from a country that is a patriarchy but this is actually non Ironic and mostly brilliant.
Slovenia – For having the Gaul to turn up with a half-arsed performance and making Ana stand their and just sing the song.
The OnEurope Silver fork – A prize given for those moments that are worthy, but not memorable enough, today goes to:
Belgium: For not being too terrifying and focussing the mind on what is, essentially, a good song
Lithuania : For being consistantly at the top of their game first thing in a morning!
Bully’s Special Prize – Because you can’t beat a bit of Bully, given for those “special” moments you can’t forget, goes to:
Eurovision Ireland – Specifically for writing this. Disagreeing is part and parcel of life, being a complete nutjob to people who have real jobs and real worries is not on. well done them for calling people out.
Finally, today’s OnEurope Golden Fork award for achievement, presented not in association with Asparagus World (and yes that’s real) – goes to:
Go_A and the stand in singer – Specifically for dealing with a potentially horrific situation with good grace. Also, the stand-in was spot on and never missed a beat!
Congratulations or Commiserations to all the “Winners”? – More Tomorrow!