And it all begins. Negotiated our way past the security – who for no specified reason want us to check out laptops in and out every time we go into the hall – including serial numbers and everything. But then we got in the hall – and it’s really rather nice. Huge stage, pretty lights, big glowing tubes that go up and down – it’s like being inside a giant alien pump organ.
The building itself is a cracking Stalinist chunk of concrete – all formica and marble – with stern doors and lots of utilitarian curtains. I’m liking the place a lot – especially all the wood panelling.
Songs then. First up…
Proper oompah indeed. Surprisingly static on stage so far. A big of stomping and some formation horn rattling, but aside from the nice lady’s sexy latino hip wiggling, not much to report. Although there is yodeling. Much yodeling. Like the song though, and it’ll doubtlessly look great in full costume. They’ve been playing all sorts of Alpine handed covers whenever there’s a spare moment. From Britney’s Toxic, via Funky Town to Rock Me Amadeus. We like.
Bless ’em. It’s a reasonable song, well performed, with lots of hair flailing and mic waving. Biut you just get the feeling that this is going to be one of those songs that everyone likes, but that no one votes for.
Now this on the otherhand, is a song I reckon could surprise a few people. Not by winning, but by not coming last – and perhaps by even nudging close to qualifying. Our Phil even told Portugese telly as much – although I’m not sure he believed a word of it. He’s got a great, powerfully husky voice, she’s got the warble most likely to fail at the big moment (so far). Lots of thigh length pointy boots and a nice lady doing backflips here and there. I kinda like it. You probably don’t.
There was no Moldova. Not a sight of ’em. Straight into Latvia apparently and no explainations. Boo!
We’re now sat in a big corridor where the pidgeonholes live cos they won’t let us measly P2s into the main press bit. At least they’ve given us seats and we’re out of the rain (and man, it’s chucking it down out there!).
More as and when.