Eurovision 2015 – Cyprus – John Karayiannis to Vienna! – Mp3?

After taking a year out due to the financial crisis that affected the Hellenic world harder than most, CyBC is back with avengance this year with a budget busting four stage Selection process that will harden the arteries of any die-hard Eurovisionista!

Seven Televised Audition phases, two “Eurochallenges”, and a grand final of 6 singers and songs will see the Cypriot public thoroughly sick of the site of Eurovision come February when their National Final is due to be, where televoting and Jury will decide the winner. For a country that has no money, they are suddenly spending a lot of it on the Eurovision……. to what effect??

Well after all of that, we finally are at the final stage, the 6 songs and singers below will battle it out on Feb 1st in a 50/50 televote and jury final. The song itself is very good, written by Mike Connaris (Cyprus 2004) and this has the same kind of vibe, very understated and very good! – The results are now below and you, yes YOU can listen to the song below in our Eurovision Streaming service – Should you wish to download it – you can from here (By Right Clicking and pressing Save As)


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