Nick: Klane Haserl haben kurze Naserl. I’m reliably informed that *nobody* has seen Kobi Oz and Alf Poier in the same place at the same time, and this Teapacks thing is absolutely out of the same mould. I loved it before the intro had started. No I didn’t… I loved it before the intro had finished. I always get those two confused. The set’s nice – the backdrop is kind of the Dublin skyscape circa 1994 meets Tron. And then drifts into some buttons being pushed. I don’t see it as a credits song, but it’s definitely got envelope potential. Yep. Definitely doing it, this one.
Phil: This is something I never thought I would say – but blimey, this is going to be an Alf Poier moment and no mistake. Its just this side of anarchic to get Europe voting for it and in droves as well. As you would expect in the hall, it doesn’t get a round of applause, mainly because the people on the hall choose not to “get” it – but, and it is a big but, the queeny contingent of this thing are a minority and the normal fringe should see this as a political statement, but also they will see people, well, having fun really….
And it is a lot of fun 😉 – The accordionist is also a laugh and it is very very good!
Eerk – imagine me saying that last year or so!