ESC birthdays 28 Feb – Think of the future

Jean Gabilou

Yeah, I know I’ve been a but absent lately. But with a plethora of Eurovision programmes at your disposal, I knew you’d have enough to keep you occupied. Did you like the the choices made by people around Europe? Or do you think it gives your country a better chance of a good result? But you want a birthday, don’t you. Today’s birthday boy wasn’t even born in Europe. An interloper you say? Well, why he wasn’t born in Europe, he was born in a territory of a European country – France. He was also born Gabriel Lewis Laughlin and then only went and changed his name to Jean Gabilou. After allegedly backing Marie Myriam he thought he could do better, so he tried in Dublin. He came third. Jean is 72 today.

Bonne anniversaire, Jean!