Eurovision 2015 – Georgia – Another Warrior…

tiblisi, but will Eurovision be hosted there? So who is representing Georgia at Eurovision 2015?? Who indeed could follow The Shin and Mariko into the annals of Eurovision History? (yes, I said Annals) GPB have let it be known that complicated time signatures are all OK with them as, through their open selection, they have 5 fine songs that will try to win the ticket to Eurovision 2015 in Vienna. The final, on the 14th January, is a very… “eastern” affair. The Five songs in their final are still there and You didn’t need me to write you a list of the songs though – did you? 😉

Shamefully with Georgia being on GMT +4 the final was at 1pm in the afternoon in the UK, so as you can imagine coverage would be a touch light, however we know that Warrior, sung by Nina Sublati is the winner. I’m not going to be streaming this song as GPB already are doing a fine job at it. There is a full result lurking about, but I can’t find a breakdown of Jury and Televote so I loathed to put it up yet…. as soon as it is confirmed, however, it’ll be here!