Eurovision 2015 – Germany – Ann Sophie to Vienna – Eventually

Brandenburger Tor!!!  sans Kettil. Who is going to represent Germany at Eurovision 2015 in Vienna in May? – Ann Sophie.,…. eventually!! Out of 8 acts in the final, Seven were already been chosen and they will sing a mix of songs at the final on the 5th March in Hamburg. However, before that there was a wild card selection with 1213 songs entered, whittled down to EIGHT (I’m so glad I wasn’t on that jury) all of whom took part in a show on the 18th Feb. ONE will get through (Televoted – and was Ann Sophie) Then the complicated final started


8 singers perform one song, though not necessarily their Eurovision Song, then 4 singers get eliminated.
4 Singers perform their second song, 2 singers eliminated.
Top 2 fight off for the win!

Simple huh?

Well that was the *plan* at any rate and it was all going so swimmingly well until the very end. The top 2, Kümmert and Ann Sophie battled it out and, when all was said and done, Andreas had won by a massive margin….. until he told all of Germany that he didn’t want to go to Vienna and handed the title to Ann Sophie (See below)

So, She then gets asked if she wants to go – not sure,… then accepts!! –

YOU can listen to the song below in our Eurovision Streaming service – Should you wish to download it – you can from here (By Right Clicking and pressing Save As)


Personally, I believe that NDR have made this situation by having a massively complex finals system instead of 8 down to 2 or perhaps one. Surely something needs to be looked at for next year, indeed something needs to be in the contract saying that the winner has to go to Vienna? – Doesn’t it?