It’s that time of the Eurovision year where I get to pull one line from each of this year’s entries to give you a taster of what’s coming down your tubes next week. A quick word of warning – it’s a bit of a gloomy old year.
ALBANIA: They’re falling apart, They killed love, They’re falling apart
ARMENIA: I’m a volcano that is going to explode in a sec
AUSTRALIA: If you’ve never done anything like this before, then you haven’t been alive
AUSTRIA: Maybe someone out there knows where Shakespeare is
AZERBAIJAN: I don’t know if I’m someone or someone is me
BELGIUM: You told me to love myself a bit harder than yesterday
CROATIA: Mommy kissed the moron
CYPRUS: I miss your kiss, gasoline and a matchstick
CZECHIA: Life’s not a moneybag
DENMARK: Couldn’t meet me in the middle, I got lost
ESTONIA: Now I see the road of leading lights
FINLAND: When Champagne all over myself I pour
FRANCE: In my hell garden, the plants are watered with the dreams and tears
GEORGIA: Ooooooooohhhhhhhh
GERMANY: We’re so happy we could die
GREECE: Well you know what they say
ICELAND: I’ll take my flowers while I can
IRELAND: When we go down, we go down
ISRAEL: I got the power of a unicorn
ITALY: Coffee with lemon to fight a hangover
LATVIA: Please don’t wake up wake up
LITHUANIA: All the bitterness of failure
MALTA: When the tik gets toking I’m gone
MOLDOVA: I got lost, and it’s only her fault
NETHERLANDS: I don’t find any joy anymore
NORWAY: Don’t fear the pain, just break the chain!
POLAND: I never let me down didi down down down
PORTUGAL: I feel crazy, totally senile
ROMANIA: What’s another way to get me sober?
SAN MARINO: And I get butterflies in my ears
SERBIA: I just wanna sleep forever
SLOVENIA: You must only work for 810,000 years to make your soul breathe a little
SWEDEN: I’m letting my hair down
SWITZERLAND: No water guns, just body bags that we’ve bеcome
UKRAINE: Don’t care what you say, Don’t care how you feel
UK: Wanted to trash your Benz, Tell all your friends