Guess what I have with Poland?

A problem, that’s right. The staging lifts it to the point where it now doesn’t make me want to slaughter kittens, Monica is a very sympathetic performer, she sings extremely nicely, but it remains an extraordinarily dull song. I know it’s not the Eurovision Not-Being-Beige Contest, but… it really is a bit ploddy.

Controversially, I think it’s in the 10 rather than the 7 however. It’s not ideal, but Joe Europe has a hook to hang it on. “In The Name Of Love” “Which one was that?” “You know, the one with the wheelchair” “Oh yeah, that one.”

It’s good enough. I think. Can’t see it scoring a lot of points in the final though…

That’s me done for the day, and it’s very nearly me done for Vienna – first batch of Business Class rehearsals tomorrow, a quick Welcome Party, and then it’s time for me to head for home (economy class, naturally) on Monday morning, leaving the rest of the team to guide you through the bit with TV shows in. It has been an absolute pleasure, and tomorrow may well be saving the best for last!