Our first stop last night was the Macedonian Reception, a slightly swisher affair than we typically get invited to in a plush club with free enormous canapés (more like generously topped open sandwiches), free wine (a highly impressive level of circling with glasses), and free Macedonians. Well, lots of performances from Daniel anyway. He has a fantastic voice, and I can see why he was the winner of X Factor Adria. He did a host of Macedonian numbers, backed by a traditional band and brought the house down. He cuts a fine figure on stage, so it was quite amusing that we’d seen him on the way in having his turn-ups pinned by a lady friend on the street before making his entrance. More wine came, more wine was consumed, and then we nipped off for a swift entre-beverage in one of the city’s oldest gay bars before heading to Kibbutz Klub.
Kibbutz was a jolly affair, a mix of Eurovision, Mediterranean, and general Euro-pop spun by a couple of my favourite Wieners DJ Marco Schreuder and VJ Alkis Vlassakakkis. I’ve known these two for a few years now at Eurovision and they’re both amongst my favourite people to see. It’s lovely to be in their home city and seeing them play hosts to us in the most convivial way. Alkis threw in a video mash-up of TwinTwin’s moustache playing on the audio with Kate Bush – with added moustache – on the screens to my delight. It was like all my passions had come at once. A fabulous night with some wonderful Eurovision friends. I’m marginally regretting the strength of the cocktails which seemed like such a good idea at the time. But who can say no to a caipirinha?
So we’re here waiting for the first Italian rehearsal to start and then the rest of the Big 5, Austria and for the first time Australia. It’s exciting. Oh and the UK too. Please don’t fupp it up, BBC, please…
Monty x