I am Vinny Jo-o-ones, damn my aching bones…

…but before I’m done, I will show you Lewisham.

My problem with the Israeli entry, and I just can’t get past it, is that Nadav simply doesn’t look like he ought to be delivering that song. He ought to be threatening me with a kneecapping from the boys if I don’t pay my protection money – not crying to his mum and then going out for a night of being the King of Fun.

If I put that incongruity to one side, or try to, there’s plenty to like. He has a twinkle in his eye, he’s obviously having fun up there with his chums, it’s nicely contemporary, and it’s a bit of cheerfulness in the miserable section.

Put a gun to my head (which is what he looks like he should be doing, rather than having a bit of a dance), and I’d say he’s not qualifying. It could, once again, be close run though.