I have a minor problem with Aminata

And it is only a minor problem – there’s not really anything that you could have sensibly called this song. You look at songs that do enormously well in this contest, they have titles that feature as a major repeated motif throughout the song. If you say “Euphoria” Joe Europe will go “Euphorrrrrrria”. If you mention “Fairytale”, he’ll be straight in there with “I’m in looooooooove with a Fairyyyyyytaaaale”. He’ll know which one you mean.

If you say “Love Injected”, Joe Europe is going to say “Which one was that again?”. As a still, smart, amazingly performed piece of musical art, it’s the Belgium of semi 2. But the lack of a substantial repeating motif hurts it. My heart says easy, easy, qualifier, possibly left-hand side of the final scoreboard.

My head says it’s not definitely going to be in the final.