Well its true I have a ticket for the final. Franko, gawd bless him, sweet talked his way past the Ukrainian KGB woman in order to get 3 tickets!! – although he doesnt know if they are in block B (in which case I’m killing him as I aint paying £150 for a seat behing the stage) or Block P – in which case he is my new bestest friend!! I did ask for the rest of the OnEurope crew but, alas ;O( ( Sorry Andrew)
Site wise – still not enough interaction PLEASE click the leave comments link – I love to hear from you. Tell me what you wanna see. I have already had requests for pictures (of the rehearsals and not nekkid ones!!) – Interval timings (I have hears it will be around 10 to 15 mins) – but anything else
– lemme know!!
Quick note – 40,000 unique hits so far this year – well up on last year – thank you all!