I’m playing catch up

Ooh I’m tardy. We’ve been off doing some international meed-ya, darlings: the Daily Podcast for ESCInsight and then some featurettes for BBC3 with Scott Mills. Get us! Our international meed-ya careers have meant we’re now on catch up but it was only Portugal and Czech Republic. I know I’m in the bubble when I start liking both of them… Portugal hasn’t a prayer though. The Czech Republic may have. It’s your classic two people standing at opposite ends of the stage and coming together gradually. Once they do it’s quite magnetic. There’s definitely chemistry between these two, and vodka too, if the London Preview Party is anything to go by. Marta tempestuously throws off her shoes at one point, a trademark apparently, but a little odd out of context. Vaclav can barely stifle his giggles at this, they’re both enjoying this. And so they should with the Czech Republic’s best result already in the bag given they can’t finish anywhere lower than 17th in their semi.

Monty x