Latvia and Azerbaijan by Rosé

I’m lumping again… Phil won’t be happy but I’ve a tenuous link. Two songs that sound good to my ear on audio but haven’t been given the correct treatment on stage in my humble and artistic (been watching this show too long) opinion..

Aminata is stunning in a red dress that must be in he running for frock of the year. I wonder did they choose red as it gives them options to play with the colours of the Latvian flag during the performance. There’s certainly a lot of lighting effects going on, probably to take away from the fact that there’s really not much to this song. It’s a little bare for me with a very powerful but slightly shouty chorus surrounded by ineffective verses. It’s a miss from me.

Elnur sings well for Azerbaijan to a stunning woodland landscape in the moonlight. It starts off well but the interpretive dancers are really cluttering up this performance and quite frankly detracting from one of the best songs in the competition. I find myself harking back to the video and I’d rather be watching him faffing in his tenement block doing his spring cleaning than watching this ‘over performance’. I’m disappointed and I don’t think we will be going back to Baku just yet.