Serbia is the first song in the second semi-final, but we’re not neatly compartmentalised for today’s order, so we’re straddling the two.
This is my first look at this, bar the EBU clip, and I’m disappointed. I really like the song now, but it looks awful.
Tijana’s alone for the first couple of minutes just singing it before she’s joined by a dancer who dances backwards around her. I’m minded of a phrase I read in a novel once, archaically describing gay men as “dancing backwards, never marrying and having 50 ways of saying fabulous!”. Fabulous this is not. It’s an unsettling dance effect, and though it does stand out I’m not sure it really works.
An overhead shot shows a floor projection of waves lapping around her – literally in too deep. The main problem here though is what Tijana’s wearing. It’s like a body suit with a white flowing skirt, bobbled bodice, and a white collar, and it looks horrible. She had a trouser suit in the first go, and I hope she reverts to this for the night. I did think this was qualifying but I’m now not so sure.
Monty x