Today at the Games – Day Six Hundred and Ninety Eight


It’s been a long old day down in Eurovisionia so there will be plenty of forks!

Worst Vocal of the Day Fork goes to – Maria Olafs….. Please God no more.

Fashion Faux Pas Fork of the Day….. goes to… Maria Olafs… Now Trinitje has seen sense the Frozen look is bad bad bad.

The Middle Earth award for looking like Mirkwood – #lovelymolly.

Golden Fork for Best Overall Performance – A Tie between Sweden and Slovenia. Sweden will do well across Europe and Slovenia because… well… it is.

Golden Fork for best performance with a Hangover – Knez…… because he was dying.

Silver Fork for the stoop of the day – Israel. Not only does he look like Daz Sampson, he also tries to be the Hunchback of Notre Dam.

Bronze Fork for the best use of shoes other than in a fetish club. Czech Republic. Cos Those kinky boots are made to be thrown at him!!

Bullys Special Prizes – Azeri Dancers for having their Rabies shots to stop them being in the next Twilight Saga.
Aminata, for representing the Royal British Legion Poppy OR a Spanish toilet roll holder from Ibiza… And Finally for being ginger…. Deborah…..

We salute all the Wieners!

Tomorrow its the UK’s turn to be ridiculed!! – And 6 other people… Want to join us?? – Then please do at 9.40 CET Tomorrow…