With under a week to go, online chat remains fixed on ‘the sun’. So much so, that Reddit took an overdue decision to move all threads created on the subject into one ‘mega thread’.
Given time to reflect on how to resolve the challenge, fans have become increasingly unhinged – some suggesting just certain layers of the sun be rotated (to give everyone a fair share), others want the entire running order rejigged, one deranged soul suggested the whole Contest be put off until a new stage design is in place. Once more, I was reminded of why the worst people to organise any aspect of the Contest we love are fans.
Money, money, money

In any other year, with the first rehearsals in the bag, bookmakers would be taking money hand over fist. The predictions of who is tipped to win would change dramatically and most countries would see their odds shorten.
It’s perhaps indicative of this year’s result being more predictable than of late, but only a handful of songs have so far attracted much in the way of money. Most are still hanging out in double figure odds, and a huge number sit at 100/1 or above.
This could be a reflection of variable song quality, or (more likely) further proof that moving rehearsal footage to TikTok and locking out the majority of fan media has resulted in less of a buzz around the show.
I am just a girl
Elsewhere, a certain site continues to help fuel the Albania censorship hoax – carefully peppering their prose with unverifiable statements. TL:DR; all is well and good. Nobody will change anything. Let’s pretend this never happened, as opposed to pretending it did.
Today should see something of an up-tick in interest from the wider world with YouTube once again hosting rehearsal clips – and performers being ordered to not only wear their planned stage outfits but spend time in hair and make-up. We’ll be with you as usual, pulling everything apart with our ill-informed reviews. The content we know you love.