As you may have seen and heard all over the internet (If you had been bothered to look!) – there has been quite a backlash with regards to the EBU and how they have granted accreditations this year and the subsequent knock-on effect that is going have on so-called Fan Media and how the contest will be covered.
This year the decision has been taken by the EBU to restrict access to the first set of rehearsals to, well, no access. They are going to be entirely closed. No press, nothing. I’m not opposed to this move because it means that the Artists can iron out their mistakes without the glare of people like me telling all and sundry how bad they were but, as you have guessed, this is a double edged sword. It means you won’t get to read about it either.
However, there are going to be TikTok and Press Conferences and the official videos that we can pour over so there will be content for those first 4 days (30th April – 3rd May), just in a slightly different format. We’ll try to keep you as entertained as possible – or not, depending on your point of view, and there will be additional coverage from our chums at Eurovision Ireland who have said we can embed their artist videos, in order for us to give you, our loyal viewer, something to gawk at!
When we get to the 2nd rehearsals, it is business as usual with the live rolling blogs and stuff. Those rehearsal times are:
Wednesday 4th May – 1000 CET – 1710 CET (Semi Final 1 songs 1 to 14)
Thursday 5th May – 1000 CET – 1505 CET (Semi Final 1 songs 15-17 and Semi Final 2 songs 1-7) (Note the Big 5 are rehearsing in the afternoon here so no coverage of them)
Friday 6th May – 1000 CET – 1555 CET (Semi Final 2 songs 8-18)
Saturday 7th May – 1000 CET – 1200 CET (Big 5 Second rehearsals)
Sunday 8th May – CLOSED. It’s the opening party a week late.
Then we are into the 2nd week and those full dress rehearsals are being streamed live to the online press and the onsite ones so we’ll be here with our usual bloggage at the following times.
Monday 9th May and Wednesday 11th May – 1500CET – 1725CET and 2100 CET – 2325 CET
Tuesday 10th May and Thursday 12th May – 1500 CET – 1725 CET.
Friday 13th May – 1300CET – 1650 CET and 2100 – 0050 CET
Saturday 14th May – 1330CET – 1720 CET.
Of course, check your local listings before logging on as things might have changed by the time we get to May and, of course, feel free to engage with us. Remember the views we transmit to you through the medium of the internet are going to differ wildly, usually, from yours so don’t let that come as a shock to you.
Looking forward to your coverage as usual.
Just one question, which one of you is it in the photo ??
I could have been Miss TV Tines 197x!!