What links :
a) A spawning salmon
b) Operation Yewtree
c) Some Air Conditioning ducting
d) Crocheting
e) Glitter
f) Joe 90
g) Associated Television.
They are all mentioned in your bonus podcast, fool!. 2002 is the chosen year for Mr Phil to revue and ridicule and as you’ve got nothing better to do with your time NOW would be a good time to listen to what I says! – So I think
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/phil-colclough/oneurope-reviews-the-2002-eurovision-song-contest-bonus-podcast-for-lockdown-may/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]
The 2002 contest is one of the worse Eurovision contest.
I hardly remember any of the songs, and those I do remember, I wish I could forget. There are one or two songs I like and the rest is just not my cup of tea.