Greetings all. Usually, in this space there would be a full-on proper podcast of me ranting and raving, but “real life” has gotten in the way, and I’ve been unable to squeeze in the time to do one.
Regular (and irregular) listeners to the OnEurope Podcast will be pleased (or saddened) to know that it’ll be back with a CHRISTMAS SPECIAL in the first week of December.
Ho ho, and indeed thrice ho!
However, fear not. We did get another question in for Mr Jand from a Mrs Edith Crint…
She spake thus:
“Here at the retirement home, we often have a jolly good knees up. We hear you and your Eurovision chums like nothing more than a good get-together, but Mr Sand doesn’t mix with the normals – why you missing so?”
And as the threat of him “sending the boys round” hasn’t materialised yet…. Here he is!