San Marino, and Jessika’s frock has turned up. It’s burgundy lace and she’s lost the ridiculous cape she had on Tuesday. Me Jenny B is in a crop-top tracksuit with a cerise anorak. The robot’s sign reads “this is just a rehearsal”, lifting up to say “Justice For Valentina!” which prompts its own cheer. They have a sense of humour at least.
It really is as cheap as chips, and it’s difficult to watch this when you know of the omnishambles that selected it. That won’t be apparent to many of the jurors and televoters though, and it is undeniably entertaining, mostly because of just how cheap it is. Listen up, I’m only going to say this once: this isn’t out of contention for qualification. That would be justice for Valentina indeed.
Monty x
Sorry but who is Valentina?