It’s a crusty old ‘bom dia’ today Oneurope as we stagger into the shed by the Tagus on day three with hangovers after a night of Eurovision shenanigans in Trumps. DJ Ohrmeister took advantage of the public holiday today and Trumps being open and played the early slot in the small room which doesn’t normally open when the club does at 11.45. The security were ever so shocked that they had guests queuing at the door at opening time and many of the regular early arrivees were left bewildered by a gaggle of us fans throwing ourselves around the place to Mauboy, Mello and much more.. It was an impromptu night out and lots of fun and many of us will be a little slower today than normal, though I can’t really get much slower!
Dinner last night was in the TimeOut market by Cais Do Sodré which is a huge food hall and market showcasing local and international cuisine. It was a bit frantic and busy last night on the eve of a public holiday and also with tourists but it was interesting to see and served as a nice warm up for the night.