Hungary – I get it NOW …

I failed to get Hungary in the previews – mind you – the 14 on stage didn’t help matters. However NOX have slimmed down the act to the female lead and FIVE dancers (Including a surly balding man) – who flounce around her and, thankfully, the cameras at the moment completely miss them. She, however, is very good and performs confidently ( and by that I mean she hit every , however, I can see the people of Europe thinking “It’s Riverdance lite”. It will qualify – no question in my eyes, however I think that it’s potential beyond that is limited to mid to top ten at most on this performance.

More importantly, however, she does come across well on the monitors that are placed in the hall and, well, it has a certain something, just not the WOW factor that many other highly rated songs have had over the years.