The Hungarian boys from AWS now and this will wake anyone up who perhaps nodded off during the commercial break that precedes them. They are dressed casually in a mix of denim and leather as we would expect and the lead singer is barefoot with a red headband that helps him achieve full on head banging and ‘hair covering face’ look.
It’s loud, it’s raucous and I really enjoy this despite it not being my usual bag. The geeky guitarist with the moustache is on one of the bridges and the lead singer goes to the other one before going for a catwalk crowd sweep. There’s some effective long shots and the band are hitting their ‘miming instrument’ moments so nothing to complain about here. I’ve a bit of a crush on the drummer as it happens and this is totally irrelevant, but it’s adding to my enjoyment of this no end as he’s wearing a vest and shorts AND he’s been working out.
This has energy by the spade and is coming across really well in an empty arena without pyros so should bring the house down next Thursday. They are thrashing it out and bringing something authentic and real. Well done.