It’s over – until Saturday. The worst ever day in Eurovision History is now at an end with …
F.Y.R (or not) Macedonia – She’s got the ending in Macedonian. Very nationalistic, but it now detracts from what was a cracking song. It is staged, as so many have been today, with the ‘Baby Eurovision’ in mind – poor choreography. Elena Risteska struggles to sing the notes in any order that resembles the actual song and – to be fair – during the first couple of rehearsals, it might as well have been a different song! This is not to the wonning.
Poland – Imagine if you will, a world without Cling Film (other brands of food wrap are available) – you might be in that world cos one of Ich Troje has nabbed it all for her dress! – It’s silly and deserves not to qualify. However, fate is a weird thing and the song is just about saved by the food wrap dress (and the fact that the chorus is semi decent).
Now – that’s it – we’re off to Iraklio for a meal of cheapness and quantity – Nick is off to embark on Round Seven of the accreditation battle ( (c) EBU) and I’m knackered.
Hope you enjoyed today … cos we fucking haven’t! (Apart from Roy – but that’s his age).