And so onto this year’s second Ukrainian contestant -Anastasia Prikhodko – who rather controversially is representing our hosts and singing part in Ukrainian. This is only after being disqualified from the Ukrainian contest with the same song and some very suspicious voting in the Russian contest. I have to be careful what I say about this one as I’m still, their guest for another 8 days……
The backdrop is made up of scowling pictures of our singer’s face looking like she’s about to cry or hit someone. The live version isn’t any more attractive. She looks like she could do with a week or two at a health clinic to get a bit of colour back into her cheeks.
Her voice isn’t that bad, it’s just a really grumpy sort of song and not in the least endearing. They clearly don’t want to win again having realised what a pain it is to host this whole shebang. She really goes for the high notes towards the end which improves the performance no end.
I can’t see this troubling the top ten though. Mid table with the help of a few friends 🙂