In Russia I think they call this irony and in Scotland they call it 12 points but I wouldn’t want to be a lemming whilst this was playing. Bearded Peter Nalitch obviously checked the weather forecast for Oslo before he came as he’s turned up in his scarf to tell us all about being dumped by his girlfriend. He’s obviously never seen Eurovision before or he’d have sung a song about being dumped by his chap to bag the votes. Simulated snow falls as he warbles to add to the feeling of despair that inevitably comes from wasting precious minutes of your life listening to this funeral set to music. Surprisingly his backing band seem to spend most of the performance smiling. They obviously enjoy torturing people. Possibly ex KGB.
With inspiring lyrics such as “what are you doing man?” “I’m looking at her photo. What shall I do with them?” ” drop them into the fire” you feel inspired to skip down the street and spend another 11 pounds on a pint without caring about the consequences.
Peter is clearly a good singer and is apparently famous for his ironically bleak takes on life in Russia, but then if you lived in Siberia you’d probably feel the same.
Neighbourly votes will probably edge it into the final, but I personally want it to end up much as it’s title suggests, “lost and forgotten”.
I doubt they’ll be many viewers left alive after this has finished and any that are will be making a cuppa or taking a shot of brandy to steady their nerves….