Which is possibly what the assembled throng of Europe will be doing. Peter thingummy and his chums certainly command the stage….. However, the wrist-slitting-tastic song that he is to present to a pan-European audience next Tuesday is the only thing letting him down – and frankly that’s a shame cos he is a big YouTube star back in Russia. It’s also a shame that his star is going to be snuffed out in a rather violent manner when he fails to score many, if indeed any, points!!
It has been a long time since I’ve been able, hand on heart, to say “this song is hideous”, but it really is!
And, for the record, towards the end of the song, he pretends to be Whitney Houston. We clearly have a problem here!
Nick: I’m not quite feeling the Russian love so far. I expected to, but it’s all gone a bit too “dark”, it’s not quite letting the shades of comedy bleakness shine through and it could end up looking just plain depressing. Latest run-through, there’s genuine fake snow falling onto the stage … or possibly the roof’s leaking.
Ah, I’m starting to feel the love again now. Scarf and snow and wind machine and … ah, now I’m seeing all the colours of dismal misery. Phew. That! Was! Eurovision!