I’m just not getting it. And Phil’s attempt to explain it to me thus far consists of “That’s not going anywhere, is it?”. Which is not what you want to hear from the song’s main cheerleader.
There are some good things involved, most of which involve the brilliance and versatility of the set. It’s very green, but it’s not a nice green. It’s the shade of green of that first nascent little spot of mold on your bread, when you suspect it might still be edible but fear that it wouldn’t be sensible. And then it goes all gold and shot from overhead which is a genuinely brilliant effect, it looks like they’re standing on top of a huge tunnel… TO INFINITY.
And the song goes tap-te-tap-tap tap-te-tap-tap tap-te-tap-tap tap-te-tap-tap over and over and over again and it just makes me want to connect with nature – ideally with a sharp jab, left hook combination.
Dull as toast.
Underneath the terrible tedium of the song, it becomes apparent that Kristina’s struggling a bit vocally this afternoon. No biggie, it’s first rehearsal, it’s not for another nine days that she needs to be at her most bestest.
Phil: If you are John Stanton – Look away now. When this won the Slovak final convincingly, I turned to anyone who would listen and said, “that will do right well that will.”
Fast Forward to Sunday, Week 0, when we are being rained on by whothehellforecastthis.no in a tent and …
Uh-oh, she’s in trouble … something has come along and has burst her bubble (yeah, yeah).
There is still something immensely likeable about this song – but I am now at a total and utter loss as to what the hell fire it is. To me, it looks silly on the screens, as she has been wearing her full regalia when she really didn’t have to. The dancers go around her exactly as in the Slovak final, so you would think it would be OK.
I was planning to explain how good it was to the fellow members of OnEurope, unfortunately something odd has happened and I really can’t defend it … She’s now only borderline to qualify IMHO, and that’s a shame!
edit – I finally pinpointed the reason why. It’s because she is having trouble singing the high notes in the song and at various other places she seems to be straining much more than necessary.